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Hello Casper,

I'm trying to add a picture to an existing (discovered and enabled on the actual save) Fast Travel Point. But it doesn't work and nothing appear. Is it normal ? I know you can't delete a Fast Travel Point from an existing save, but is it the same when adding picture ? I tried with 720x720, and 1000x1000 png pictures (They appear correctly anywhere else).


Hi, fast travel point data is all saved so if you are testing in a saved game, you can add a new fast travel point and it should work but modifying or removing fast travel points is not supported.

Thanks for the fast answer !!

Hi Casper,
Just want to thank you for this amazing teleport script.
Can I make request for a couple of additions please..?
1. An option to swap the picture and description above or below each other.
2. An option to have more than 2 lines for the description, say 3 or 4 lines. I feel 2 lines ain't quite enough for descriptions so cutting maybe the picture space down a little will free more space up for line(s).
3. When using Gold as a currency.. an option to stop the plugin putting Gold at the end of the gold amount you've put in. (see picture, you can see i've used a gold icon so there would be no need to put gold at the end of the cost).

Hi, thanks for the suggestions, I can add them to a future update. For the Gold, it is putting your Currency Unit text from the database. You should be able to edit the .js around line 1601 to remove the currency unit from being added to the string.

thanks. i'll see if I can figure that Gold text thing out, thanks for the quick fix for that.

I went down through the list and couldnt see the section to remove Gold at the end of the cost.. can you please take a screenshot of the line to edit so i can do a CTRL+F  search for the exact line please?

Change this:

if(this._item._goldCost > 0) {
    this.drawText(this._item._goldCost + TextManager.currencyUnit, 0, y, this.contents.width, 'center'); 
    y += this.lineHeight();

to this:

if(this._item._goldCost > 0) {
this.drawText(this._item._goldCost, 0, y, this.contents.width, 'center');
y += this.lineHeight();

awesome, thanks   :)

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the update for this plugin today should address your 1 & 2 suggestions. Thanks for the suggestions, let me know if you have any other ideas to improve [CGMZ] plugins.

GREAT! Thanks for working on the suggestions so fast, much appreciated.
I checked them out and they worked perfect :)

Hi, Casper! I just wanted to report a bug I found; when using this plugin alongside your Item Pop Up, it throws an error message when you click on a location to go anywhere; "Type Error: Cannot read property "id" of null."

This happens even in Fast Travel's demo, once I add the item pop up plugin. Before adding it, the Fast Travel works perfectly fine! 

Hi, this is actually a bug in Item Popup, not Fast Travel. I will fix this asap, thank you for the bug report. If you want to fix it yourself you can search for alias_CGMZItemPopup_GameParty_gainItem in CGMZ Item Popup's js file and replace the function with this:

const alias_CGMZItemPopup_GameParty_gainItem = Game_Party.prototype.gainItem;
Game_Party.prototype.gainItem = function(item, amount, includeEquip) {
    alias_CGMZItemPopup_GameParty_gainItem.apply(this, arguments);
    if(item && amount > 0) {
        const type = (DataManager.isItem(item)) ? "item" : (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) ? "weapon" : (DataManager.isArmor(item)) ? "armor" : "invalid";
        const id =;
        if(this.CGMZItemPopup_shouldPop(id, type)) {
            $cgmzTemp.addItemPopupToQueue({type: type, id: id});

It works! You're a genius, thank you so much! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-

I ran into a bug on the online demo: "


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'scale')" when trying to fast travel to the first village.

(1 edit)

Hi, I am not able to reproduce this, it might be had temporary problems delivering an image or some other resource to you or your internet connection lost connection or something.

Does it allow custom images / 3d models for the fast travel image or is it just the base map

It shows a custom image.

I wanted to ask, which will be the next plugin to come out?

It will most likely be the skill shop to be fully released. The next alpha plugin will be Battle Result Events as that received the most votes on my patreon poll.