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Hello ! I love your plugin, however, I'm unable to understand how to use it, when I choose my map named 5 using this code : ["{\"Map\":\"5\",\"DisplayTime\":\"600\",\"Global Data Key\":\"\",\"Global Data Info\":\"\"}"]

It display a black screen.

Am I doing something wrong ? I have the core system too.

Hi, there are Image1 and Image2 parameters that seem to be missing from your text string, they should at least be blank if not using an image but seem to be completely removed? For example, like this:

["{\"Image1\":\"\",\"Image2\":\"\",\"Map\":\"5\",\"DisplayTime\":\"600\",\"Global Data Key\":\"\",\"Global Data Info\":\"\"}"]

I am not sure how you got the above code without the image1/image2 parameters, if you are editing the json text directly I would discourage you from doing so as it is very easy to introduce user error that way.

I see, thank you, I thought I had to remove them completely to not have any images

(2 edits)

Hi, I'm just writing as I came across an issue that seems to be 100% my fault. While working on my game, I had a sudden power cut and my computer shut down unexpectedly. When I restarted my computer and ran the game I now get this error: 


Cannot read property 'tilesetNames' of null

The correct title screen map displays fine with the events etc working on the menu screen. When I hit start game this error immediately pops up. When I disable this plugin, the game works correctly. I'm not sure what happened, but any help to troubleshoot this would be great.

Edit: I also ran the console now to find what error it throws up, pls see the screen grab below for the error reported. I'm not familiar with coding so this doesn't make sense to me.

Edit 2: I also checked it with another map and it worked, so it must be some data in the map that was corrupted. If you know if there is a quick fix for this pls let me know, otherwise I'll just rebuild the map, thanks for any help!

Ciao! Ti volevo chiedere come impostare che la schermata sia centrata perché in automatico la camera me lo mette in alto a sinistra, grazie mille!

Make the map size the same as the screen size, or if you use any camera control plugins I think those would probably work, to set the camera location.

Hi, it's me again. Just wanted to know if it is possible to move from the title screen instantly into the game map without fading to black if the title screen map and the first game map are the same? 

I could add that as an option, but currently it is not possible.

Ok, thx for the reply. Just wanted to know if it was possible. No worries. Still love the plugin! 


I love this plugin and hope to use it in my game. I encountered one issue with it though:

- My initial map has a dark tint to it. However even though I set the dark tint to start immediately (with 1 frame) transition, it still loads the basic map and only after one second does the tint apply. Is there any way to set it so that the tint would appear first, or at least to manually set a 1 or 2 second delay to the menu appearing so the tint can apply in the background? 

The same issue persists when I go into an menu option like Continue or Options and then go back to the main menu. The map resets rather than continuing.

Any help would be great!

Does it only happen on the map if it is the first map in the queue (so like if you add a dark tint to the second map, is the same issue there as well)?

Hi, I'm so sorry for the delayed response I just saw your message! I added another map in the queue with a tint and there was no problem loading the tint on the 2nd map, so when the map loaded in the queue the map was already dark. It's only on the first map in the queue that the tint loads after a very brief pause (less than a second but its noticeable). And if I go into the Options or Continue sub menu and then move back to the main menu the tint reloads (though that might be an issue with my event processing).

Hi, I see the issue, it will take some time to fix though. I will let you know when fixed.

Thanks so much, and no issues take your time. Any fix would be excellent!

Hi, just wanted to let you know I used a plugin to draw dynamic lights and shadow in game and the problem fixed itself! Just in case you were only planning on fixing this issue for me. Maybe useful for others in the long term though, and thanks for your consideration!

Hi, glad you were able to fix it! I will fix it eventually on my end, it is added as a bug on my issue tracker, I just have a lot of stuff to work on. If you let me know which plugin you used to fix the issue I could send others that way as a possible temporary solution if they come to me with a similar error though.