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Hi! First of all, great work. Your plugin is really complete.

But I'm having a little bit of trouble. I have 3 recipes so far, 2 of them are on the right category, but the third one appears on a "blank" category (with the other 2), despite being a copy-paste of the first recipe (with a different name and a different ingredient). If I delete the recipe, the plugin crashes.

What am I doing wrong?

Can you provide an image of the issue with the categories?

As for the crash, can you provide the dev tools console error trace? Though it sounds like you may be testing in a saved game, and removing recipes in saved games is not supported, the plugin is set up to only recognize newly added recipes in saved games, not any that are modified or removed.

It was the save, in a new game it works perfectly.

Ok, I am glad you got it working 😁

I have a Question 

how to Use "learn on craft"

Hi, you type the recipe name(s) you want to learn after the recipe is crafted. You also need to fill out a corresponding chance for that recipe to be learned in the Learn On Craft Chance parameter.


Hello! I already established all the paramters of the plugin, but when i want to try to test it in the game I get a message that says "Reference_error CGMZ plugin is indefined". How do I fix that?

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Hi, you need to install [CGMZ] Core, all of my plugins require my core plugin. If it is already installed, make sure it is above all other [CGMZ] plugins and up to date.

спасибо большое, ваша команда которую вы указали сработала, 

жаль из-за того что я плохо понимаю английский мне пришлось 

отказаться от плагина крафта но ваш плагин на добавление новых кнопок это просто чудо

I am glad you like the menu plugin, sorry about the crafting plugin, I can see how it would be difficult to use if you do not understand one of the languages it is available in as it is pretty complicated with all of the customization options.

а что мне делать если с помощью плагина который вы прикрепили я создал кнопку крафта и использовал общее события которое открывало окно крафта. в итоге игра зависла на несколько секунд а потом опять пошла но при этом окно крафта не открылось и я не мог выйти из меню выбор

Hi, I am assuming you just added a script call to call a common event (ex: $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(1);)? This will not work from the menu, as common events only run from the map, so you would also need to add a this.popScene() after to exit the menu.

здравствуйте, у меня не как не появляется кнопка крафта я не знаю почему

Hi, I am not entirely sure what you mean, there is no craft button, you can call the scene using the Call Scene plugin command or you can use a plugin that can add commands to the menu like [CGMZ] Menu Command Window

Hey, there! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing plugins, your library is fun to look through! So much cool stuff~ I'm using the crafting system and it works perfectly fine! It's just that, for some reason, the category name/title isn't showing up in the crafting menu? I've tried filling out every plugin slot that made sense but I'm not getting anywhere. u.u Any help would be appreciated!

Make sure your category id matches the profession parameter of your recipes.

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Could you post a screenshot of what you're talking about? I'm a little confused ^A^;; (sorry! There's just a lot to this plugin and I think I'm overlooking what you're talking about.)

Never mind, I see what you mean now! Thank you so much, I apologize again lol! 

No problem, did you get it working?

Yes, I did! Thank you so much! :D I love it!

how do i Make an event open the menu?

Hi, use plugin command "Call Scene"


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hello i installed the plugin but could you tell me how do i write recipes like is it a :ingredient +ingredient =product or is it something else

I am talking about this

oops figured it out

Hello, could you make a toast windows when finished to craft somethings?

Sorry for my bad English :(

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I can add it to my to do list.

Thank you :)

Hi ^^,

What do you think of a random quality factor, for example, that you can forge a sword from inferior to legendary

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I do have on my to-do list the option to have a separate "high quality" outcome for crafts that will have a percent chance to occur each craft. 

Cool and will it be customable how high this chance will be?

Yes, it will be a % chance that is entered similar to the Success Rate parameter which determines if a recipe creates the fail items or the success items.


Are you plugins compatible with visustella?

Hi, I only test with my own plugins, so can't really say which other plugins they are compatible with. In general, I get very few support requests for incompatibilities with other plugin authors.

Not all plugins are compatible from my testing so far as I also encountered some issus, please test one by one to identify conflicts, think taht is the best way ;)

There's a crash which occurs when you hit the "cancel" button too quickly as an item finishes crafting.
An easy fix might be to add a delay after the crafting scene closes before the menu scene can be called, as having the cancel and menu buttons on the same key (default) makes this very easy to trigger if you hit the cancel button twice quickly by accident.

This is a fantastic plugin thank you so much! Just one minor thing - when you select a ‘generic’ item it doesn’t tell you in the description how many you need, just how many you have

Hi, I must have missed that. I will fix it in the next update. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Thank you!!

Hi, this plugin was updated today and this issue should now be fixed.

Thank you so much. I've just tried it and it works perfectly :-)

I will always love your plugins!

I am glad you like them 😁

Got this error upon trying to call the crafting scene:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'commandText' of undefined

    at CGMZ_Window_RecipeCategory.drawItem (CGMZ_Crafting.js:3821)

    at CGMZ_Window_RecipeCategory.Window_Selectable.drawAllItems (rmmz_windows.js:1361)

    at CGMZ_Window_RecipeCategory.refresh (CGMZ_Crafting.js:3781)

    at CGMZ_Window_RecipeCategory.initialize (CGMZ_Crafting.js:3742)

    at new CGMZ_Window_RecipeCategory (CGMZ_Crafting.js:3731)

    at CGMZ_Scene_Crafting.createCategoryWindow (CGMZ_Crafting.js:3498)

    at CGMZ_Scene_Crafting.create (CGMZ_Crafting.js:3468)

    at Function.SceneManager.changeScene (rmmz_managers.js:2086)

    at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rmmz_managers.js:2058)

    at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (CGMZ_Core.js:1456)

Any ideas?

Hi, if you are using the category window you need to set up categories to display there. You can do so in the Categories parameter in the plugin parameters.

Ah, I didn't realize I'd accidentally changed something that implied the need for categories.  Got it working now, thanks!

How do I input crafting details? I read plugin notes but still don't get it

Hi, you import the plugin into the Plugin Manager, and then in the parameter list there is a parameter called "Recipes" at the top of the list where you can add in your crafting recipes.

Thank you very much! OMG I feel like a dummy T.T

No problem, glad you got it figured out :)

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Is there a way to use your plugin?

Hi, yes you need to also install CGMZ Core plugin.

Hi Bro, Can I forward your Crafting or other free plugin to our forum? A Chinese RM forum.

I really like your plugins and I wish I could let more RM Players know about it.

If so, can I do proper Sinicization?

 I will credit you as the original author and share your website.

Can I do this?  Thank you so much~

Hi, it is fine if you want to post about my plugins to non-English forums, and to share the link to my website, my pages, or to specific plugin pages on my website, please do not share the plugin files directly.

If you would like to translate my plugins I can add the translation to the plugin file and credit you with the translation.

Thank you very much.

I will follow your request and provide only author information, plugin link and your website. I'm just a little more worried that some Chinese RMers can't access American websites, but I believe they will have a solution. LOL

Regarding translation, I appreciate your willingness to give your time to help, but I don't want to waste your time. My idea is, screenshots + remarks, do not plan to change the content of the plugin. Let them learn for themselves. LOL * 2

Finally, Thank you so much for your sharing, and your excellent plugin.  Thank you!

Oh I see, if you want to make screenshots + remarks or other "guides" on how to use them in your language without changing the content of the js file that is also fine with me :)

I already done. LOL. Thank you so much. I am waiting for your Gathering Plugin. I am Farm game fans. LOL.

I'm looking forward to that plug-in, not pushing. LOL