A downloadable plugin

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Hi all,

This plugin creates a currency system that can handle more than one currency. It does not touch the default currency set up in the database, so should be highly compatible with other plugins that utilize the default currency in some way. 

Currencies can be undiscovered or discovered, and this will determine which currencies the player sees when they open the currency scene. Currencies can have their own customizable icon, name, short currency unit, description, max amount, and associated color.

Currently, the currency system works by setting the current "main currency" which causes the game to use different currencies in things such as the gold display window or the shop. The game starts with the "default" currency selected, but you can change the main currency to any valid currency id you have set up which will then be the main currency.

You can also create gold double party effects for custom currencies via a note tag on weapons or armors.

Items, weapons, and armors can all have their own custom buy and sell prices in custom currencies as well.

Plugin commands exist for getting the currency amount or the current main currency so you can easily use conditional branches based on the new currencies.

Want additional features not already present/listed above? Make suggestions on the Patreon Post, this Itch.io page, or in my discord under the #suggestions channel!


Please be aware that you can access this as well as all of my other Alpha plugins for $5 on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CasperGamingRPGM

This is posted to Itch.io since some people only use Itch and are not aware my Patreon and all of my beta/alpha plugins exist, or want to have everything in one convenient location (itch.io), or do not want to do a monthly subscription.

Casper Gaming's Beta/Alpha plugins are treated as an "early access" and will eventually be free for everyone once they are fully released, though this process can take months/years. By purchasing in beta/alpha, you are able to provide early feedback/suggestions which are more likely to make it into the final fully released plugin.

Please see terms of use here: Terms of Use

Requires CGMZ Core plugin: CGMZ Core

Happy RPG Making!


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this plugin you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

CGMZ_CurrencySystem.zip 10 kB

Development log


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Looking at this, it does seem that one could have database items set up as currency, and use those with this plugin.
Is this presumption correct?


Hi, not currently, the currencies created with this plugin are not database items, weapons, or armors. They are a completely custom CGMZ data class.

So, they cannot be linked, even, to items created in the database?


In a future update I will add using items as currency as it is quite a common request, but for now they are not linked to anything in the database. You can set default prices for items in each currency, but you could not use items as currency themselves.

Okay. Good to know. Thanks.

(1 edit)

can this plugin be used to create a DnD style currency system? 

you know where you have a hierarchy of coins, something like "copper < silver < gold < platinum" where for example 100 copper coins are 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins are 1 gold coin and 100 gold coins are 1 platinum coin, etc

Hi, this plugin allows you to create as many custom currencies as you want, however it does not allow for having a hierarchy of coins within a single currency like you describe yet.

very well thank you for the quick answer

in that case my search continues

In essence, you'd have to keep track of this using background running common events and variables.
The plugin doesn't provide this function, but, it can be evented. I've done so in VX Ace with a different script author's currency system (that functions similarly).


Hi, how it works for shops is that you will use the Plugin Command to Set Main Currency to whatever currency you want to use in the shop, and then change back after the shop processing event command if needed.

I see! So just switch to the main currency before the store and then switch it over afterwards and it will work? Thank you very much for your reply!

Sorry!It was so late yesterday that I forgot to translate the comments posted up!I'm sorry for the trouble! I'm very sorry!

Hi, it's ok, did you get it working?

 It can work now! Very interesting plugin! The second currency setup is very interesting!