Version Beta R2 Release Notes

Hi all, today this plugin was updated to version Beta R2!

This version adds a way to pause autonomous movement for events if the message window is open. This uses a similar event command system to tag events that should pause their movement when the message window is open to the other comments set up through this plugin. However, events with the comment for pausing auto movement will not need comments for speed or move type, which was previously required when using the comment to set event movement up.

This update also made comments case insensitive, which should hopefully cut down on some user errors due to incorrect capitalization of the event comment.

Please note that it is planned to move the player region restriction functionality away from this plugin and into [CGMZ] Player Movement in a future update.

Version Beta R2

  • Added option to pause event auto movement during message window
  • Comments are now case insensitive

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