Version Beta R3 Release Notes

Hi all, today this plugin was updated to version Beta R3.

This update adds a new movement type: Stalk. This movement type will cause the event to try to remain a certain distance from the player, moving towards them if farther away than the given amount of tiles or away if closer than the amount of tiles. For example, you could have an event that prefers to remain 6 tiles away from the player, and it will attempt to always be 6 tiles away from the player.

This update also added the option to cause animation variance in your events. When events move or step, they all animate on the exact same frame and it can looks robotic and not very realistic. Instead, you can now add random waits between when the animation updates so your events animate more naturally.

This update removes the region restriction for player movement, as this has instead been added to [CGMZ] Player Movement and is more appropriate in that plugin. I want [CGMZ] Event Movement to focus on only events.

Version Beta R3

  • Added new enemy movement type, stalk
  • Added option to add randomness to animation wait (move or step)
  • Removed player movement region restriction option

Get [CGMZ][Beta] Event Movement for RPG Maker MZ

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