A downloadable plugin

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Hi all, [CGMZ] Press Start adds a Press Start screen before the title screen, and after any splash screens (if using [CGMZ] Splash Screen).

Press Start Scene

This is a screen which displays a background image, optionally the game title the same as in the title scene, and optionally a Press Start image. The scene will wait here until it detects any "ok" keyboard/gamepad input from the player, or any touch input. You can also configure exactly which buttons for both the gamepad and keyboard are accepted, so if you want your players to actually need to press the Start button on their controllers you can do that.

Once start is pressed, a sound effect can play and the scene will transition to the next scene (probably the Title unless using other plugins that add scenes before the title screen).

For the Press Start image, you can decide where on the screen it is displayed using a percentage based coordinate system. You can also have a hover effect when the user mouses over the image. This will change the image to a hover image, which can be anything you want, and change back once the user stops hovering their mouse over the image. It looks something like this:

Skip In Playtest

This plugin comes with an option to skip the press start screen during playtest. With this option enabled, it will still display for deployed games. This is a convenience provided to speed up your playtesting.


[CGMZ] Global Data - Show a different Press Start scene based on a global data key value pair. In case you want to change your start screen after the player has beaten the game, for each new game plus, or reached some other milestone.

In Dev Note

As always, you are encouraged to leave any additional feature suggestions down below in the comments, or in my Discord #suggestions channel. You can also leave any support questions down below or ask in my discord's #support channel.


Please be aware that you can access this as well as all of my other Alpha plugins for $5 on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CasperGamingRPGM

This is posted to Itch.io since some people only use Itch and are not aware my Patreon and all of my beta/alpha plugins exist, or want to have everything in one convenient location (itch.io), or do not want to do a monthly subscription.

Casper Gaming's Beta/Alpha plugins are treated as an "early access" and will eventually be free for everyone once they are fully released, though this process can take months/years. By purchasing in beta/alpha, you are able to provide early feedback/suggestions which are more likely to make it into the final fully released plugin.

Requirements & Terms

Please see terms of use here: Terms of Use

Requires CGMZ Core plugin: CGMZ Core

Happy RPG Making!


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this plugin you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

CGMZ_PressStart.zip 5.4 kB

Development log


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Question for you Casper, is the "Press Start" going to be doing that flashing thing that it does for actual games with a Press Start option?

Hi, the images are static images, the Press Start image can change when hovered, but it doesn't have any animation besides that.


truly unique and useful work.

I'm writing to you because I find this plugin really excellent for having a double title screen (like most games), one first and one with the start menu (there are no other plugins like this available for MZ):

I wanted to ask you if it is possible to also insert video into the screen before the default one? And the possibility of adding effects or animations?

If it would be really great to be able to put at least one video (on loop), this would have great potential.

Thank you very much for your work and your plugins :)

Hi, I am glad you like the plugin and thanks for the suggestion ๐Ÿ˜ I can add it to my to do list.

There is an upcoming update which will add a sound effect when start is pressed and control over which buttons actually work as the start button, but I can look to add video in a future update after that one.

Hi Casper,

Forget about it! Everyone else looks great too! I'm already testing some free ones, and I'll go into more detail in the next few days!

Thanks anyway for listening to me, I'm looking forward to this update then. For me, the sound effect and the choice of the specific key and the ability to press any key would be essential. The video on the other hand (or in any case the possibility of having animated layers), is not essential, but it would really give enormous potential to the plugin.

Thank you so much for your time! :)


Hi, just wanted to let you know that the plugin was updated today with the sound effect and which inputs count as start features.

Hi, thank you very much for the warning, very kind :)