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Question for you Casper, is the "Press Start" going to be doing that flashing thing that it does for actual games with a Press Start option?

Hi, the images are static images, the Press Start image can change when hovered, but it doesn't have any animation besides that.


truly unique and useful work.

I'm writing to you because I find this plugin really excellent for having a double title screen (like most games), one first and one with the start menu (there are no other plugins like this available for MZ):

I wanted to ask you if it is possible to also insert video into the screen before the default one? And the possibility of adding effects or animations?

If it would be really great to be able to put at least one video (on loop), this would have great potential.

Thank you very much for your work and your plugins :)

Hi, I am glad you like the plugin and thanks for the suggestion 😁 I can add it to my to do list.

There is an upcoming update which will add a sound effect when start is pressed and control over which buttons actually work as the start button, but I can look to add video in a future update after that one.

Hi Casper,

Forget about it! Everyone else looks great too! I'm already testing some free ones, and I'll go into more detail in the next few days!

Thanks anyway for listening to me, I'm looking forward to this update then. For me, the sound effect and the choice of the specific key and the ability to press any key would be essential. The video on the other hand (or in any case the possibility of having animated layers), is not essential, but it would really give enormous potential to the plugin.

Thank you so much for your time! :)


Hi, just wanted to let you know that the plugin was updated today with the sound effect and which inputs count as start features.

Hi, thank you very much for the warning, very kind :)