Version Alpha R5 Release Notes

Hi all, today this plugin was updated to version Alpha R5.

This update adds the option to allow your players to accept quests directly from the quest log window. Quests in the quest log can be discovered but not yet started, and without this option enabled it would direct the player to go talk to the quest giver to start the quest. However, you may want your player to be able to accept the unstarted quest directly from the quest log. Now you can allow that. Here is how it looks:

This update also added quite a bit of options around pinning quests. You can now allow your player to pin quests directly from the list window, without first needing to activate the display window and then click again to bring up the pin window. You can also now prevent players from manually pinning completed or failed quests.

Some additional customization options were also added for the quest log scene. You can now opt to always display objectives for quests that have been completed as complete, regardless of whether the objective was actually completed or not. Options were also added to allow you to change every window's background opacity, padding, and tone.

Version Alpha R5

  • Added option to start quests from the quest log
  • Added option to always show completed quests objectives as complete
  • Added option to pin quests from list window
  • Added option to disable pinning completed or failed quests
  • Added window tone, padding, back opacity options for each window
  • Replaced $cgmzTemp function calls with CGMZ_Utils function calls
  • Refactored list window code

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