A downloadable plugin

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

Hi all,

This plugin allows you to have a full quest system including categories of quests, sorting of quests by different categories (right now, type/difficulty/location/length), pinning quests to the top of the list, failing and completing quests, automatic and manual tracking of quest objectives, as well as an easy drag+drop method of changing which elements in the quest log display and in what order they display in.

Quest Accept Scene

This plugin also includes a Quest Accept scene, where the player can choose to accept or decline a quest as well as see some basic information about the quest before making their decision. You can disable the ability to decline, forcing a player to accept a quest. You can also play a sound effect when a quest is accepted. It looks like this:

Quest Board Scene

This plugin includes a Quest Board scene where the player can browse available quest listings and choose to accept them from the quest board. Optionally, you can include a window title and legend window for the quest board as well. You can also set a sound effect to play when a quest is accepted from the quest board. The quest board looks like this:

Included are plugin commands to help you event around the quest system. Plugin commands include the option to get the quest's current stage, get a quest's objective progress, get a quest's status, manually advance stages or complete objectives, and mark a quest as discovered/started/completed/failed.

Quest Tracker

This plugin includes an on-map quest tracker window (optional). It allows the player to track quests via the quest pin system. Aimed to be lightweight, it includes many optimization techniques to cut down on how often the window needs to be updated.

Below is a screenshot of how it can look (size/position determined by you, large window in screenshot shown to illustrate features easier):


[CGMZ] Toast Manager - Show toasts when a quest is discovered, started, completed, and failed. It can also show a toast each time an objective of a quest is completed.

[CGMZ] Menu Command Window - Add the quest log scene to the main menu, including tons of additional customization features for each command.

[CGMZ] Infinite Colors - Use more colors for your text or other color parameters than the windowskin can support.

[CGMZ] Scene Backgrounds - Show a custom background image with a lot of customization in the quest scene. Includes scrolling backgrounds.

[CGMZ] Controls Window - Display the scene controls to the player, either with keyboard or gamepad controls depending on their last input.


Want additional features not already present/listed above? Make suggestions on the Patreon Post, this Itch.io page, or in my discord under the #suggestions channel!


Please be aware that you can access this as well as all of my other Alpha plugins for $5 on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CasperGamingRPGM

This is posted to Itch.io since some people only use Itch and are not aware my Patreon and all of my beta/alpha plugins exist, or want to have everything in one convenient location (itch.io), or do not want to do a monthly subscription.

Casper Gaming's Beta/Alpha plugins are treated as an "early access" and will eventually be free for everyone once they are fully released, though this process can take months/years. By purchasing in beta/alpha, you are able to provide early feedback/suggestions which are more likely to make it into the final fully released plugin.

Credit & Requirements

Please see terms of use here: Terms of Use

Requires CGMZ Core plugin: CGMZ Core

Happy RPG Making!


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this plugin you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

CGMZ_QuestSystem.zip 30 kB

Development log


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Hello! Ever since the update I have this [NaN] stuck at my quests' level recommendation in the list. It's gone if I disable the "list show rec level", but I'd prefer to keep it on.

I'd also like to suggest if it would be possible to be able to add custom images into the quest description window? For example an image of the NPC, so players can find them again easier.
Thanks for your work!


Hi, the recommended level color parameters changed to be text code colors rather than html colors to be easier to use as this comes with the color select UI in the plugin manager and also more compatible with other plugins that affect text colors. You will need to set them up again. It should look something like this, where they are all numbers:


If you want to keep the colors you had and they are not already available as text code colors, you can create them with [CGMZ] Infinite Colors and use the id you set in that plugin by swapping to the text tab in the Quest System color parameter.

Thanks for the suggestion, I can add custom images to a future update.

Ahh, thank you so much for the fast reply and help! It works now. :D


I am glad you got it working 😁

Apologies, I got another problem. I read about the pin change, but how can I select a quest to scroll down its text now? :'D

I removed the usage of mouse in my game, so I cannot pull the window down, and pressing enter just gives me the option to pin it. I tested disabling the pinning option, but it still lets me do it.

Sorry again if I'm missing an option.


Hi, keyboard controls to always be able to scroll these kind of windows throughout [CGMZ] plugins will be added tonight with the monthly [CGMZ] Core update to version 1.25.0. The update will add keyboard keys that you can always scroll with + allowing mouse wheel to always scroll the windows (in addition to gamepad+touch screen which can always scroll already, but it sounds like you have disabled touch screen).

Selecting things to manually scroll was removed because it was causing a lot of user confusion, where they would hit enter and not realize it activated the window to scroll and instead thought it froze the game.

Hi there.

I like this plugin, it's much easier to understand than some other quest plugins I found. However, I'm starting to have a problem. I'm creating a new quest and when I try to select it on the quest screen i get an error: 


Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined

Is there a fix?

PS: I downloaded this plugin approx. 5 months ago, so if this is an old problem that got fixed in an update, please let me know.

Hi, make sure your quest does not have a blank description parameter.

Thanks, that worked

Hi there, first of all, great plugin, love it!

Is there any way to remove the recommended level from the quest list? I've managed to remove it from the quest info screen but it's still there in the list.

Hi, in the function CGMZ_Window_QuestList.prototype.drawQuest remove these 4 lines:

this.drawText(quest._recommendedLevel, rect.x + xOffset, rect.y + this.lineHeight() / 2, rect.width, 'left');
xOffset += this.textWidth(quest._recommendedLevel) + 4;

Thanks for the fast reply, worked like a charm!

¡Hola Casper!, necesito tu ayuda con el plugin, usar tu plugin Title Command View para el menú principal y entrar en el menú de misiones me da este error, no sé si es por otros plugins que tengo, es la primera vez que lo uso, gracias!

Hola, debes tomar una captura de pantalla del rastro del error en la pestaña de la consola de herramientas de desarrollo, la pantalla de error básico no me dice nada. Puedes abrir esto presionando F8 durante el juego y luego haciendo clic en la pestaña de la consola.

¿Estás utilizando algún tipo de complemento que oculta el botón cancelar la interfaz de usuario táctil?

Yes, I solved it, thank you very much!, your plugins are amazing :)

Glad you were able to get it working 😁

Is there a demo project for this?

Hi, my alpha/beta plugins do not come with demos

Hello, this is really a great plugin. But is it possible to attach a 'demo' file to the download file? Because I really don't know where I'm filling in the wrong fields to cause this error.

Ah! I fixed it myself! Excuse me!


Hi, the error seems to be with another plugin when it tries to parse text codes, since the code is obfuscated we can't really know more than that, but most likely that other plugin does not handle drawing "blank" strings of text ("").

It seems like you already fixed the issue this time, but if you get this error again, you would want to check to make sure everything set to display via the Quest Info Order parameter is filled out, both in the Text Options at the bottom of the parameters or from within each of your quest parameters themselves.

Thank you very much for your answer! Sure enough, there was an issue with the mission parameters not being filled out completely! Sorry for bothering you again.

By the way, how do you think about dialog plugins for gal games? I would be happy to buy the plugin if you made it. Your plugin is very compatible and stable! Simply perfect!

I have no intention of adding to your work though, so please don't mind me saying this if it's too offensive!

I just think this plugin would be more perfect if it was made by you.

Sorry for the possible burden on you. Please let me indulge in a nice dream.

You are the best!

Hi, thanks for your suggestion, actually I love when people suggest things as it is how I get a lot of the ideas to make certain plugins or add certain features to plugins. However, could you explain a bit better what you mean, how each option would function, etc? The more detailed you can be, the better.

(2 edits)

me again, sorry to be a bother. I was wondering if there is a way to reset the entire questlog. That means all quests should be reset to state 0, need to be rediscovered and all that. I know it can be done manually with Quest Status, but I was hoping to do it for the entire thing, since I am lazy and have 100 quests.

Try the following script call


Thanks. I wanted to test this but the code I got from you for the menu (calling a common event in the menu) crashes the game so I can't.

Hi, could you open up the dev tools console and show the full error trace once the crash happens?


no, because it all shuts down. There is no error, it is a full on closing all windows!

Odd, that does not happen in my test project with the same JS command. Could you reproduce the issue in a blank project with only CGMZ Core and CGMZ Menu Command Window and zip it up and send that to me so I can see what might be going wrong?

(1 edit)


me again :) Can you add Switch Tracking, so that an objective becomes available when a switch is set to ON?

P.S.: Is there a way to accept quests in the quest menu after I declined them? Ideclined a quest to see wht happens and it still shows in the menu but I can't accept it there. I either have to ensure declined quests don't get added to the menu and the quest giver sticks around OR that there is a point saying declined quests that are available to accept in the menu.

Hi, I am not entirely sure what you mean with declined quests not being able to be accepted via the menu. Can you let me know which scene you are talking about? There are 3 scenes, the quest log (view quests you have discovered/started/completed/failed), the quest board (accept multiple quests at once), and the quest accept scene (accept/decline a single quest).

I can add switch tracking to objectives which will complete the objective when the switch is on or off, this was pushed off for a later release because in most cases, when turning the switch ON you should also be able to complete the objective via plugin command in the same place you would turn the switch ON.

So I have set up my quests. All is well. But when I declne a quest in the game, the quest STILL shows up in the questlog. It then says "accept quest to see task" or something. But there is no way to accept the quest in the quest menu.

Now, if I put a self switch to the questgiver, I can't accept the quest in the game. So either I make doubly sure that all quest givers have a second check that quests can be accepted again with them, OR there is a way to accept quests in the menu once they have been found :)

The switch tracking thing is just because my game is done and the questlog thing simply wasn't available when I started and I have to retroactively put the questlog into the game. I can do it manually, it would just be easier with switch tracking^^ No issue^^

Are you using the Call Accept Scene plugin command to let the player decide whether to accept or decline the quest? It does have a "Decision Switch" parameter that will turn a switch On/Off depending on what the player chooses. It is a global switch, but you should be able to re-use it for all of your quest givers.

I am, yes. The things is, I was hoping to accept the quests in the menu. Because if you forget its there, you could do it later?

I can add the option to accept the quest from the quest log


can you add an option that completed quests autocomplete all objectives, too? Thanks :)

Hi, sure I can add that in the next update. The idea was that for optional objectives, it would look weird if it said it was completed when it wasn't really completed, but I can see how some people might want to just show everything as completed when a quest is marked as completed.

Thanks :)


I would need an "Active Quests" Tab that shows me what quests have been accepted but not yet completed. Am I too dumb to just see it or is it just not here?

Hi, the quests in your quest scene should all be ones that are accepted and not yet completed, except ones under the Completed or Failed categories.

Thanks for the reply. That is the issue. They do not show up at all. I can find them, accept them complete them, fail them, that all works. And when I complete them, they show up in the Completed Tab. BUt They do not show up at all when they are active.

Hi, chances are your categories are not showing up, quests are linked to the category so if the category isn't displaying then the quest can't display. Put each category you have created into the Category Sort Order parameter under Scene Options. Other than that, check that each quest belongs to a category that is set up in the Categories parameter.

That did the trick! Many thanks :)

Has anyone made something like this for MV?

how do i open the window to check the current quests i have?

Hi, you can either use the javascript:

Or you can use the plugin command "Call Scene"

i'm still new to plugins and mz, where do i put in those lines?

The javascript would be in case you are using some plugin that adds custom commands to the main menu or somewhere else, but it sounds like that is not your situation.

To use plugin commands, you will go into any event, add a new event command, on the event command select screen go to tab 3, and all the way on the bottom right you will see "Plugin Command" as an option. From there, a new window will open up where you will choose the Plugin Name, in this case CGMZ Quest System, then the Command Name, in this case Call Scene, and you can also set up any parameters that command may have, but in this case Call Scene does not have any.

Then when you interact with your event, the quest log scene will open up.

Hello. I bought your Quest Plugin. Everything runs fine, but I can't get any Quests to load into the Quest Board. I want to bypass the Accept Command altogether and just have the Quests appear on the Quest Board. Is there any way I can do that?

(1 edit)

Hi, make sure you type the quest names into the plugin command exactly as they are in the plugin parameters. For example, "MY QUEST" would be different than "My Quest".

Another potential issue you might be having is each quest has a "Board Switch" parameter which will determine if it can appear on the quest board or not, if you have set that and not turned the switch ON in game, the quests will not appear on the board.

Last, quests that have already been started or completed will not appear on the quest board, which it sounds like wouldn't be your case but you might want to double check you aren't starting them somehow and then checking the board.

Ok, thank you. 

To clarify though, It's not actually the Quest Board I'm interested in, but the the main Quest Menu. I linked it via your MenuCommands. But whenever I attempt to just start a quest, nothing pops up. 

Anyway, I'll work with it.

Ok, that is a different scene with different requirements to show quests.

To get quests to show there, make sure you have a category for them and the category name matches exactly.

You also need to put your category in the Category Sort Order parameter, so the plugin knows how to display the categories.

Can you increase the ability to turn on the switch when the task is completed?Just like a 'Started Switch'.

Sure I can add that. You can also use the plugin command to check the quest's current stage, objective progress, and status (completed/started/failed/etc).

okay thanks

Hi, just replying to let you know that this plugin was updated today with the ability to turn a switch on when an objective is completed.

I keep getting a "Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined" error. I don't upstand what I'm doing wrong.

Hi, can you open the dev tools console (F8 in game) and switch to the console tab at the top, and then show the full error trace?

I don't know what happened but I opened it day and I can't get the error to happen again. Really sorry about that.

Is there a way for a quest tab to show up in the menu? so i can always check what quest i am on and descriptions and objectives?

Hi, yes, but you would need another plugin to add it to the menu. I have [CGMZ] Menu Command Window that lets you add custom commands to the menu. If using that, you would make the name/symbol whatever you want (not blank) and then for the JS you would put:


There are also other plugins that can add custom commands to the menu, but I do not know how they work as I only use CGMZ plugins.

Your terms of use say: "Some resources may come with additional terms of use. You must also follow these extra terms of use for the specific resource they come with."  Would these additional terms of use be disclosed below the "Buy Now"? I wouldn't want to purchase it for $5 and read inside the plugin code that it has additional stuff thereafter. Just curious!  Just wanted to say, to counter the inconsiderate comment below. Thanks for your hard work! I have extreme respect these efforts having tried to decipher the rpgmz database myself and deciding to focus on my game content instead. Haha. Thanks in advance!

Specifically, referring to this plugin. Is it available for commercial use with credits after purchasing it for $5. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, yes, this plugin and all my other plugins are available for commercial use with credit. All of my resources will have any extra terms of use visible before download. As a general rule, if you don't see any extra terms before download, then there are no extra terms for that resource.

The note about some having extra terms is there because I have started to commission some of the art resources posted on my website to artists in the RPG Maker community, and those art assets require Casper Gaming credit + the artist who drew them credit which is noted before download and in a txt file with the download.

I code all the plugins by myself so they don't have any extra terms.

is their a way for me to get a refund i accidentally purchase this when i tried subscribing to your patron 

Hi, I don't see a way to issue a refund myself. I think you will need to reach out to support@itch.io for your refund request. I am not sure their criteria for refunds.

oh ok thanks


why is this not free when most of the others are


Hi, only my plugins that have went through the alpha/beta process are free. Eventually this will be free too once it is no longer in alpha or beta, but there is still a lot to add such as the on map quest tracking window.


what if someone wants it but they got no money


or patience