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(1 edit)

The Achievement category didn't show itself when I hit X.  It should be there like your preview stated. its not listed as one of the topic buttons like I see in your demo.

Hi, if you mean the achievement option in the main menu, none of my plugins add themselves to the menu, you need to use [CGMZ] Menu Command Window or similar plugins to get it to show there. This is to minimize compatibility issues with other plugins that also change the commands that are available in the window.

You can also download the demo from my website and open it up in the editor to see how anything in the demo was done.

Question, would there be any way to integrate this with storefront achievements, like the ones offered on gamejolt or steam, for example? Or would I need to get a different plugin for that?

Hi, right now you would need another plugin that adds the steam or gamejolt API that can unlock achievements on those storefronts. However, you could use this plugin as the achievement UI in your game, and then use CGMZ Hooks to call the API for unlocking the achievements on those storefronts when an achievement is earned.

I guess it's okay. A better way to do this is to just make a conditional branch for when the player has something/has done something